The Adventures of Peacebe and the Heartwatch

Peacebe KidsWhere Learning Never Ends


Meet Peacebe and the Heartwatch!!

The Adventures of Peacebe and the Heartwatch was created by siblings Leneen Faith and David Campbell. Peacebe is a 6 year old boy who has a magical watch named Heartwatch. With Heartwatch, Peacebe can fly, teleport, transform, become invisible and much more! Join Team Peacebe on their amazing adventures and learn how to be a Kid With Character! Visit Our Website


Leneen Faith

Meet the Author…

Leneen Faith is currently a 4th grade teacher and a children’s book author. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education. She was recently selected as the 2013/2014 Teacher of The Year. She is also the co-founder of Peacebe and the Heartwatch, LLC. She has a true love for writing, and enjoys being creative. Leneen is very passionate about character education and loves to inspire kids to be great.


Leneen Faith

Meet the Illustrator…

David received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Florida in Graphic Design and has been an artist/illustrator for over 25 years. He believes in the vision for Peacebe and spends countless hours ensuring that all visuals are captivating & appealing to all. He is responsible for the creation of all the characters and aesthetics in the Peacebe Universe. David is confident that the Peacebe brand will be a long lasting and impactful global franchise.


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